3 Causes of a loose vagina

Don't believe the myths, these are 3 causes of a loose vagina

Ladies, some of you may be wondering, is it true that the vagina can loosen over time?

This intimate organ has many secrets, so it is no wonder that many myths circulate about the vagina.

In fact, the vagina can stretch for several reasons. One reason is that the vagina is surrounded by pelvic floor muscles. That one organ can weaken over time, causing the vagina to feel loose.

That being said, there are other things that can cause the vagina to loosen. To fully understand the causes of vaginal loosening, we have summarized some of the factors. Start Medical News today, see below for full.

1. Give birth

3 Causes of a loose vagina
3 Causes of a loose vagina

Having a baby is one of the reasons the vagina can loosen up. This happens because the body also changes during pregnancy and after childbirth. Based on leg swelling, weight loss or gain, breast shape, and size, including vaginal size.

During a normal delivery, the muscles in the vagina stretch. However, according to a report by Medical News Today, this elongated shape will decrease over time. Even so, the vaginal muscles are unlikely to feel the way they did before, and these feelings may take some time to get used to.

Some women report changes in the shape or elasticity of the vagina after giving birth. In this case, women are likely to feel less intense or satisfied during sex, but this will return to normal over time and of course with stimulation or the correct sex position.

2. Age factor

Age factor

The second thing that can cause a loose vagina is aging. Just as the skin loses elasticity with age, so does the vagina. The intimate organs in this state can of course loosen.

The elasticity of the vagina begins to change when we enter our 40s. This happens because the amount of the hormone estrogen decreases when the body enters the perimenopausal phase. With decreased estrogen, the tissue in the vagina becomes thinner, drier, less acidic, and less elastic.

3. Have sex

Have sex

The muscles of the vagina relax during sex, but this happens because the vagina is an elastic organ. According to Dr. Alyssa Dweck, New York City Gynecologist, his muscles will stretch when we have sex. However, the condition will return to normal when the activity has ended.

"Sex doesn't change the size of the vagina unless the sexual activity is quite extreme. The size of the vagina returns to normal when the sexual arousal and activity is over," said Dr. Alyssa was quoted by the Daily Mail.

Likewise with the hymen, which is part of the vagina. The first time you have penetration sex, the hymen will also stretch a bit, which will make the vagina feel a little more open. However, the size will return to normal (not stretched) when the activity is stopped.

So, if you hear about vaginal loosening from too much sex, that's a myth, ladies.
